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Bidding Wars in Today’s Real Estate Market

The bidding war phenomenon, common in the Quebec real estate market for a few years now, has intensified in recent months. What does this mean exactly, and what is the impact for buyers and sellers? Truth in numbers In the Greater Montreal area, the price paid for a property is generally higher than the original list price now. This is a good indicator of how volatile the market has become. In fact, it is not uncommon for several different buyers to submit offers on the same property—and in trying to outbid everyone else drive up the price by thousands of dollars. “I have seen offers go as high as 20 percent above the original list [...]

2021-02-23T11:29:23-05:00February 23rd, 2021|

Selling Your Property: Why you need a current certificate of location

You may have put a lot of time and effort into renovating your property to make it irresistible to a new buyer. But in the rush to conclude the transaction, it is essential to not overlook an important detail: the certificate of location. An up-to-date document helps protect you against potentially costly mistakes. What does a certificate of location include?  The certificate of location is one of the most important legal documents in any real estate transaction, whether it involves a commercial or residential building, house, duplex or condo. This report, prepared by a land surveyor accredited by the Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec, outlines how a property is situated and its current state, which [...]

2021-01-28T16:12:07-05:00January 28th, 2021|

Income property—always a sure thing?

Many owners decide to keep their first home or condo as an investment. But should they later decide to sell while tenants are still living there, the initial excitement around owning a rental property can quickly turn to disappointment.  Katia Samson, founder of Katia Samson Real Estate Group and Certified Real Estate Broker AEO, possesses more than 25 years of experience in property sales and rentals. Here, she explains why there can be significant drawbacks to renting out your property. About the lease “It is essential to know about tenants’ rights and associated issues when you decide to sell,” Katia explains. “What’s more, a home must be sold and notarized six months before the end [...]

2020-12-07T13:54:46-05:00December 7th, 2020|

New Association for Katia Samson Real Estate Group!

Katia Samson Real Estate Group is very proud to announce its new partnership with the RE/MAX L’ESPACE agency, located in the heart of Montréal. “We will continue to provide the same ultra-personalized service to our clients, which we are known for, while being affiliated with the RE/MAX Group,” says Katia Samson, President and Founder of Katia Samson Real Estate Group. RE/MAX is the most important local and worldwide real estate banner, and the one with the largest number of international transactions. In Quebec, most property sales are completed with RE/MAX, which boasts an impressive market share and a very large group of real estate brokers. In addition, in the Greater Montreal area transactions with RE/MAX [...]

2020-11-16T12:24:35-05:00November 16th, 2020|

Real Estate Continues to be a Dynamic Driver in Quebec This Fall 2020

Even if shutdowns are ongoing in Quebec at the end of October 2020 because of an increase in COVID cases, the real estate market is still extremely active and sales continue to break records in the Greater Montreal area; this could also be due to overbidding from some buyers for some very desirable properties.  In Quebec, 32,200 property sales were recorded from July to September 2020, an exceptional increase of 49% compared to the same period in 2019. This is an absolute record of activity since the Centris system began compiling market data, in 2000. As for new property listings, there were 37,566, an increase of 16% over 2019. In addition, we’ve seen continuous price [...]

2020-11-03T15:45:03-05:00November 3rd, 2020|

Real Estate and Covid: Visits and Transactions Are Still on for Fall 2020

Despite the partial shutdown of certain commercial activities (restaurants, bars, gyms) in red zones across Quebec, all real estate activities continue to be carried out, but with the necessary preventive measures put forward by the government. Better Safety Measures "It goes without saying that, since the start of the pandemic, visits have changed in order to respect physical distancing and the new reality that we are all living through,” explains Katia Samson, Certified Real Estate Broker Chartered AEO and President of Groupe Immobilier Katia Samson. Several new safety and hygiene measures are currently being implemented, including a coronavirus statement declaring the person who wishes to visit a property has not been in contact with anyone [...]

2020-10-14T09:06:27-04:00October 13th, 2020|

Home Staging Services Now Offered at Katia Samson Real Estate Group

Home staging has become a must for residential sellers! The practice of decluttering and creating a soothing and clean décor for the property you want to put on the market “makes it easier for prospective buyers to visualize it as their future home. Staged homes usually sell faster and for more money than those that are unstaged,” according to Katia Samson, Founder of Katia Samson Real Estate Group, and a broker since 1996. Since launching her own real estate boutique agency in 2019, Katia has brought on board a diverse group of brokers, each with their own style and specialty. One of these is Katsiaryna Shumskaya, who studied interior design and now provides home staging services [...]

2020-08-19T11:03:41-04:00August 19th, 2020|

Post Shutdown, What’s REALLY Happening to the Housing Market?

Since March 2020, when the World Health Organization announced we were all in the midst of a global pandemic, the housing market in Montreal has also clearly been affected by shutdowns and new social distancing rules. While real estate changes do seem to be stabilizing, how will this be impacting your next sale or purchase of a property? Here is some information you might be hearing about:      1. Property Prices Continue to Rise The math is pretty straightforward here: when there are less goods on the market that people want, prices go up. Simple, right? After restrictions on real estate were lifted in May, we saw a dramatic spike in sales in the [...]

2020-07-28T12:12:58-04:00July 28th, 2020|

Top 10 Questions You Should Ask a Real Estate Broker When Selling your Property

If you’re looking to sell your property faster, and at a better price, the first thing to do is to find a reputable real estate broker. But before you sign on the dotted line, here are some questions you should ask. Just to make sure you are working with the real estate professional who will best represent your interests! 1. What are your credentials? As you start thinking about selling your home, you should be working with a real estate broker who is accredited by the APCIQ (Quebec Association of Real Estate Brokers) and the OACIQ (the Authority of the Real Estate Brokerage in Quebec). This means the person is fully vetted by the industry, [...]

2020-07-08T18:11:29-04:00July 8th, 2020|

News About the Montreal Real Estate Market for Summer 2020

What’s happening in the real estate market in Montreal’s Sud-Ouest, after the lockdown due to Covid-19? Is it a sellers’ market, a buyers’ market, or is it more of a balanced market? Many future buyers and sellers are asking themselves these very questions, since we’ve all experienced radical changes in our daily lives. First of all, here are brief descriptions of the three types of real estate markets to consider according to Katia Samson, who heads the boutique agency Katia Samson Real Estate Group, and who has seen firsthand the evolution of the Sud-Ouest, St-Henri and Griffintown neighbourhoods over the last 15 years, because she lives and works in the area. The Three Types of [...]

2020-06-12T18:05:00-04:00June 10th, 2020|
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